Accessing Templates

Ellington ships with a comprehensive set of default templates. These templates support all basic Ellington functionality. These default templates also come pre-skinned a set of styles. A description of the styles and how they are designed can be found in the docs folder inside your main media folder.

Accessing Templates


Ellington’s templates are accessed via secured WebDAV. In short, WebDAV is a secured method that allows access to remote files. Access to templates is controlled through the superuser privilege in the Ellington administrative interface. To access the templates for your organization, complete the following steps for your desired Operating System:

  1. Obtain the proper permissions from an Ellington Super User at your organization.
  2. Download and install the WebDAV connection tool of your choice. These can range from simple connection interfaces to complete IDE's. Some recommendations are outlined below. Individual instructions for how to connect your desired tool to WebDAV will be contained in your tool's documentation. The connection instructions and parameters are below.
    1. Cyberduck WebDAV Client
    2. FileZilla Pro
    3. SublimeText
    4. PyCharm
    5. Visual Studio Code
  3. Host:
    1. Replace CLIENTNAME with your client shortname, if you do not know this, contact your project manager and they can supply it for you.

Due to current limitations in both Windows and MAC OS's, a connection tool is required to connect to WebDAV. Currently Windows, and MAC built in WebDAV connections will expire each time your computer is restarted and new connections will need to be setup. Therefore, it is best to use one of the tools outlined above or any other third party WebDAV connection tool rather than the built in WebDAV connections for your OS.

If you wish to proceed with a standard windows webdav folder setup, see here.


For accessing templates via FTP, and editing locally and re-uploading use the following steps:

  1. Obtain the proper permissions from an Ellington Super User at your organization.
  2. Download and install the FTPs connection tool of your choice. These can range from simple connection interfaces to complete IDE's. Some recommendations are outlined below. Individual instructions for how to connect your desired tool to FTPs will be contained in your tool's documentation. The connection instructions and parameters are below.
    1. Cyberduck WebDAV Client
    2. FileZilla Pro
    3. SublimeText
    4. PyCharm
    5. Visual Studio Code
  3. Host:
  4. User: your_ellington_username@clientname
  5. Pass: your_ellington_password
  6. Transfer Mode: Passive
  7. Encryption: Require Explicit FTP over TLS

Below you will find workspace files for the some IDE's. The details in these files will need to be updated with your own client names, usernames and passwords, but otherwise should sever as a template for connecting to your site files.


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