Using Sections

Think of section as the pages in a traditional newspaper publication. The sports section in Ellington is like the sports section in your publication. Creating a section in Ellington will pull up content for the given categories, allowing you to create top level displays for your content (like for the sports section).


  1. Locate Sections in the News application and click the add button.
  2. Type the URL and title for your section.
  3. Click the radio button next to the site this section will be used for.
  4. Select the editors of this section.
  5. Select the categories to include in this section.
    • You can also exclude categories by clicking “Advanced Rules”.
      • Categories to Exclude will exclude objects assigned to the selected categories (objects that are assigned to both an included and an excluded category will be included)
      • Absolute categories to exclude will explicitly omit any object assigned to the selected category.
  6. Select the manner in which you would like the content ordered. Ellington defaults to display it from newest to oldest.
  7. Click ‘show’ next to Display options and select the number of stories you would like displayed in this section per page.
  8. Click save.


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