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WYSIWYG Keyboard Shortcuts

Inline Editor

Ctrl + E or ⌘ Cmd + E

Shows the WYSIWYG HTML editor when inline mode is set to true.

Common Actions

Ctrl + C or ⌘ Cmd + C

Copies selection from the editable are to clipboard.

Ctrl + X or ⌘ Cmd + X

Cuts the selection from the WYSIWYG HTML editor to clipboard.

Ctrl + V or ⌘ Cmd + V

Pastes from clipboard.

Ctrl + V or ⌘ Cmd + V

Ctrl + Z or ⌘ Cmd + Z

Same effect as clicking on the Undo button in the WYSIWYG HTML editor.

Ctrl + Y or ⌘ Cmd + ⇧ Shift + Z

Same effect as clicking on the Redo button in the WYSIWYG HTML editor.

Ctrl + K or ⌘ Cmd + K

Opens the insert link popup to insert a link in the editable area.

Ctrl + P or ⌘ Cmd + P

Opens the insert image popup to insert an image in the Javascript rich text editor.

Basic Formatting

Ctrl + A or ⌘ Cmd + A

Selects all text in the editable area of the Froala Rich Text Editor.

Ctrl + B or ⌘ Cmd + B

Same effect as clicking on the Bold button in the WYSIWYG HTML editor.

Ctrl + I or ⌘ Cmd + I

Same effect as clicking on the Itallic button in the WYSIWYG HTML editor.

Ctrl + U or ⌘ Cmd + U

Same effect as clicking on the Underline button in the WYSIWYG HTML editor.

Ctrl + S or ⌘ Cmd + S

Same effect as clicking on the Strikethrough button in the WYSIWYG HTML editor.

Ctrl + ] or ⌘ Cmd + ]

Indents the current paragraph.

Ctrl + [ or ⌘ Cmd + [

Outdents the current paragraph.


Ctrl + ' or ⌘ Cmd + '

Increases the quote level. Same effect as selecting Quote > Increase from the rich text editor's toolbar.

Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + ' or ⌘ Cmd + ⇧ Shift + '

Decreases the quote level. Same effect as selecting Quote > Decrease from the rich text editor's toolbar.

Image / Video

Ctrl + + or ⌘ Cmd + +

Resizes larger the current selected image or video.

Ctrl + - or ⌘ Cmd + -

Resizes smaller the current selected image or video.


Alt + Space

Selects table cell in which the cursor pointer is.

⇧ Shift + Left / Right arrow

Extend table cell selection with one cell to the left or to the right.

⇧ Shift + Up / Down arrow

Extend table cell selection with one cell up or down.

Ctrl + / or ⌘ Cmd + /

Show shortcuts modal in the WYSIWYG HTML editor.

Alt + F10

Focus the opened popup or toolbar of the Javascript rich text editor.


Return focus to the previous position.


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