Ellington Docker Container

Ellington allows access to our Docker container via Github. Our Docker container is a fully functional standalone version of Ellington that you should have up and running on your local machines within 10 minutes. The Docker container allows you to easily do local development on both our Github repo's and your own site templates quickly and efficiently and is suitable for deploying in large development environments as well. 

Getting Access

First, you will need access to our Docker container repo and our current Ellington repos for requirements and prerequisites.  You can get access by reaching out to your project manager and supplying them with your GitHub username for an invitation. If you do not have a GitHub account yet, you can sign up for one here. Once you have received the invite, you can move on to the instructions below for setup.

Setup Instructions

  1. Depending on your environment, and distro you are using, you will need to follow the instructions for your setup to get docker and docker-compose setup.
  2. git clone the following docker repo https://github.com/Mediaphormedia/ellington-docker into your project root.
  3. Request access via email or basecamp and download your database and place it in the root of ellington4 repo next to the Makefile.
  4. In the root, run git submodule init
  5. In the root, vim .gitmodules and change any references of [email protected] to https://github.com/ and save the file. 
  6. In the root, run git submodule sync
  7. In the root, run git submodule update
  8. rename ellington.env.sample to ellington.env
  9. vim code/ellington/install/requirements.txt and replace all git:// with https://
  10. In root run make build
  11. In root run make restoredb
  12. In root run make migrate
  13. In root run make restart
  14. Browse to https://localhost.com:8000


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